Say hello to the

Essential guide for busy pro's

All of my strategies + Hacks to lower stress, boost productivity and operate at peak performance.


As busy professionals and high performers, we all experience stress.  It's par for the course. 

That said, if stress is not managed properly, it has a way of creeping into other areas of your life.  It can affect your clarity, your productivity and your home life.

I've spent years in full throttle careers and am no stranger to stress. As an NCIS Special Agent, AND as a senior leader in tech, I have a lot of experience in this realm ;)

What if I told you there are ways to keep stress in check? What if I told you there are tactics you can easily implement to boost productivity and performance?


This is why I spent years learning from powerful, successful leaders, tweaking and trying method after method until I finally distilled my strategies and hacks down to a concrete, holistic process.  

This $hit works!!!! 

 And for the first time ever, I’m sharing my alllll my secrets with you in: The Essential RoadMap For Busy Professionals: a beautiful 16-page guide outlining exactly how to lower stress, boost productivity and operate at peak performance.

Repeat after me

I am the CEO of my life. 
I operate in ease and flow.
I am a magnet to abundance.

I am asked a gazillion times…

Rebecca, how do you handle all the stress and juggle  5000 balls in the air… yet somehow make it look effortless?

 How are you never phased and handle challenges with ease?

 How do you stay so focused each day?


Are you getting excited yet?


The Essential roadmap for Busy Pro's

My comprehensive e-guide to lower stress, boost productivity and operate at peak performance.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside


I’m not holding back; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, bite-sized steps.

you'll learn:


Easy ways to get laser focused and dialed in on your goals


Bio hacks to keep your body + mind operating at peak performance


Efficiency hacks to implement each day to stay in ultimate beast mode


Holistic tools to gain a deeper level of self-awareness to successfully unlock greater potential


Methods to claim power, crush your day and boost your immune system while doing so!


A system to collapse time from where you are, to where you want to go FASTER!  Hello, clarity ;)


Work is the  #1 stressor for most Americans? 

So having a tried and true strategy in your back pocket is a no brainer.  


Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

The knowledge contained in this guide typically runs super high.  But my commitment to you is not only to give you the stuff that actually works (on a global scale by the way)—but I am committed to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. So I slashed the price ;)

Massive Impact, Massive Value.


Reg. $147

A note from Rebecca, Founder of Tactical Harmony:

For nearly 15 years I was a Special Agent in the U.S. Federal Government, mostly with NCIS.  I was BLESSED to not only live in Europe and in 8 different States here in the U.S., but I traveled all over the world visiting 26 countries, including the Middle East, Europe, South America and the Far East.  Throughout years of global experience, 8 years of which I served in leadership positions, it became CRYSTAL clear how critical your mindset is.  HEREIN LIES THE POWER.  

My global travels gave me amazing opportunities:  I carefully studied and learned from prominent figures and leaders around our beautiful world.  As success leaves clues, I was able to very easily identify common themes.  I unlocked the greatest secrets and my life became electric.  And I realized, as I mentored professionals over the years, so many people aren't aware of these tactics.  

Holistic strategies (and by holistic, I mean taking your whole person into account) are truly the heart of success.  

My fiery passion for holistic systems, coupled with leadership, is why I opened my business, Tactical Harmony.  I am fiercely committed to supporting you and sharing holistic leadership codes that are your birthright to know.  

YOU DESERVE UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE.  You can have it all, and more, my friend.

Claim this, and it will be :)


Thrill yourself,


WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? If not now, when?

Your time is now.